Route 2: Km18 and Bicacue

Route 2: Km18 and Bicacue

From Heat to Andean Enchantment

Just a 40-minute ride from Cali, you’ll find an impressive climate and landscape transformation. The route to Km18 and Bicacue is perfect for escaping the city’s heat and immersing yourself in the coolness of the Andes.

Thermal Change Transitioning from 30°C to 17°C in just 40 minutes is a refreshing experience. The Andes’ mist envelops you, providing a mystical and relaxing environment.

The Realm of Fantasy In Bicacue, you can explore one of the two moss forests in Colombia, a place where fantasy blends with reality. Hummingbirds act as guardians of this magical environment. Don’t miss the chance to have a hot aguapanela while enjoying the view of the mountains through the fog.


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